The EPSRC National Research Facility (NRF) for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy provides EPR measurement and analysis services to academic and industrial communities in the UK.
Based at the Photon Science Institute at The University of Manchester, our facility contains probably the broadest range of microwave EPR instrumentation in Europe.
We have the widest range of continuous wave EPR in any single laboratory and we have three pulsed microwave frequencies, supported by a team of experts in this specialist field of spectroscopy.
The video below, from the Department of Chemistry's CAMERA (Chemistry at Manchester Explains Research Advances) YouTube channel, explains more about the science of EPR Spectroscopy and how it has been used to solve real business problems:
LEAF and Sustainable Laboratories
The EPR NRF is proud to be part of the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) scheme to improve laboratory efficiency.
The EPR NRF was recently awarded a Bronze certificate for recognition of the sustainable practices in place in the laboratory. Sustainable lab practice underpins the operation, scheduling and procurement activities of the EPR NRF.
The EPR NRF has completely replaced it's liquid helium (a finite resource) usage with closed-cycle cryofree platforms, and is currently undertaking Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of many of our processes and infrastructure.
For more details on the LEAF initiative and sustainable practices at The University of Manchester, please see: